École Citadelle has been offering French first language programming to students from Legal, Morinville, Bon Accord, Gibbons, Redwater, Clyde, Cardiff and the area north of Fort Saskatchewan since 1990.
Our school is focusing on reaching excellence and providing a strong foundation to students from kindergarten to grade 12. School bus transportation is offered free of charge by the school board. With almost 130 students, our school is growing and is offering a variety of programs: 3 & 4 year old preschool, full day kindergarten, francization services, ESL services and various complementary courses for our junior high school students, to name a few. We are pleased to offer the "Ice Academy", a combination of a hockey program for grade 3 to 12 and a skating program to kindergarten to grade 3.
Our school board is providing specialized programs to support our students: speech therapy, behaviour counselling, psychology counselling, and many more. Our goal is to bring our students to their full potential and fulfill their needs to give them the best chance possible to succeed.
We would be pleased to welcome you at our school to show you our amazing program and facility. Don't hesitate to call us or drop by for a visit. Call us now to make an appointment at 780-961-3557.
Lisa Magera
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